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Thursday, December 3, 2015

It is the graduation time here in Portachuelo.  In town there are five high schools plus an adult education school that gives a high school diploma.  The teachers college and the agriculture institute each graduate a class.  I am not sure how many kindergartens there are in town, at least five, each one will have a graduation.  Across the street from our house is the Rotary Club center where most of these events take place.  They are usually all night affair with the partying going on till 6:00 AM.  The narrow street will be lined on both sides with vehicles and we won’t be able to get in or out of our garage until the party is over. 

Next week is the festival of the town, there will be another all-nighter across the street.  The noise doesn’t bother us too much anymore.  Our bedroom is at th e back of our house so we avoid a lot of the noise.

There are invitations to the family dinners for these graduates.  We are invited for two dinners Saturday noon, one on Saturday night and one Sunday noon, all for different graduates.  There goes the diet.
The Kinder graduates
The Christian school has their graduations at the school.  Praise the Lord for the roof over the basketball court.  Wednesday night was the kindergarten graduation.  Twenty five six year olds, twenty of them boys sang and recited and acted and acted up to entertain the crowd gathered to make the time special.  They acted out the story of David and Goliath.  The picture shows the kids with their diplomas in hand and the back drop translates, “Greatness does not depend on the physical size.  A giant can be overcome with God's help.”

Next Saturday is the high school graduation.  Another 12 students who have passed through the school and have heard the message of the Gospel many times.  At least one of those graduating has made a profession of faith.  May the good seed sown produce an abundant harvest in the life of these young people?

The new school year starts in February but there is already a lot going on with plans and documents that need to be turned in to the District Director of Education. The government wants to see all of our plans and projects for the coming year. We are looking for another school director.   Pray for the person of the Lord’s choice.  We praise the Lord for the liberty to continue reaching these young lives with the Gospel but the government wants to control more and more.

Praise the Lord for funds that have started to come in for the new building project.  So far we have $5300 towards the $30000 needed.