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Saturday, March 2, 2013


For those of you who asked "Are the stairs finished?" 
 I have photographic proof.  Maybe I shouldn't say "finished".  The ceramic tile is not in place yet.  It is ready and waiting to be installed.  Praise the Lord for Cerabol, a local tile factory that gives us a good price on their seconds.  All the floors in the school are finished with this natural red tile. 

There are no lights yet and the doors are not hung but the second and fourth grades are having classes in the new classroom.

Use your imagination and picture another building, just like this new one, facing this one with the second floor accessed from the first landing of this stairway.  That is our next building project. 

I shared with the folks in the States about the about the local custom the believers here have of inviting reasons to get together and eat.  We haven't been able to break the habit, it continues to this day.  They had a welcome supper for us when we got back. 

Before and after pictures will not be included for the eating category.