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Friday, October 22, 2010

Two weeks ago the assembly here in Portachuelo celebrated its 26th anniversary.  Praise the Lord for 26 years of blessing.  We had two days of special activities that were well attended by friends, neighbors and parents of students in the school. 

 We have made some changes to our school building project.  There are not enough funds on hand to begin with the original plan.  We decided we could rearrange the location a bit and start building with the funds available and have two more classrooms ready in February when school starts.  This will allow us to continue building in the future as more funds become available.  The roof over the gymnasium will have to wait.

Einar is one of the young men from our assembly.  Most of his family are in fellowship here in Portachuelo.  Einar moved into the city earlier this year to work.  He is involved in an assembly in one of the suburbs of Santa Cruz.  There was a romantic attraction with a young lady in that meeting.  They were involved in the youth work and children’s work together.  About a month ago an ex-boyfriend from before she knew the Lord, stabbed and killed her in a fit of jealousy.  Einar and another young man were injured in the attack but are doing okay.  As you can imagine this has been very difficult for Einar.  He needs prayer as he deals with anger.  He is coming along but it is a hard road for him.
Einar at his graduation party earlier this year

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for Fabian.  We have seen a lot of improvement in the five months he has been at the rehab center.  I had a good visit with him last Sunday.  He asks for prayer concerning anger.  When he gets angry everyone knows it.  He has a hard time controlling his reactions.  He will probably be at the center for another three months and then move on to another phase of the program in the city.

Fabian with his guitar

Marion is getting ready for the kindergarten graduation on October 29.  Praise the Lord for strength throughout the year.  One more week and she can have a well-earned vacation. She has 21 in her kinder.  Some of them have been a handful.  For a time she thought that nine of them would not pass kindergarten, but now only two still aren’t reading.  The word has gone out that Marion can work with difficult students and desperate parents come looking for her. 
Marion with Magdalena and the Kindergarten at the beginning of the year

Max is one of the 10th graders.  He is from an unsaved family.  Had we known the problems he had in his previous school we probably would not have received him as a student.  The Lord knows what He is doing.  The other day Max told Bismar, the school director, that he was impressed with his testimony.  He lived what he preached and was fair with the students.  Max said, “I think I want to be an evangelical.”  May the good seed find good soil in the heart of the hearer.