Please be in prayer with us.
Alberto and his family were among the first to respond to the Gospel when we came to Portachuelo. They have been an important part of the work here. Alberto has his ups and downs. When he is on top of things he is a real asset to the work. We have often asked for prayer for his son, Hilton. Hilton has been battling a drug problem for years. He has been in at least four different rehab facilities and run away each time. He goes home and causes chaos. He continually steals to support his habit. Right now he is in the local jail for six months. The family has enjoyed a period of peace. Soon he will be out and they are anxious about the future. Please continue to pray for this situation.
In two weeks the school will be having our winter vacation. Yes, south of the equator winter comes in the summer time. The builder has promised to finish the stairs for the new classrooms during the vacation. The stairs are usable but they need to be finished with ceramic tile. The builder hasn’t been real good about finishing things.
Many of you have prayed for Fabian over the years. He continues to make bad choices. He seems to have steady employment in the city. He has learned to lay ceramic floor tile and is in demand for that skill. The people he chooses to associate with are not a help to him. Several months ago we had to tell him that he is not welcome to stay overnight at our house any longer. We haven’t seen him since then but he has called and said he is trying to avoid the people that are a bad influence. Some of those people are in Portachuelo so he doesn’t come here anymore. Continue to pray.
Oscar Asaeda, is a new student in our junior class this year. His father is a doctor here in town and director of one of the hospitals. He spends a lot of time in our house with our Oscar. Last week was Teacher’s Day. The junior class prepared a meal for the teachers at the doctor’s house. His mother was in tears as she shared with Marion the relief she felt that her boys had a family with other values to associate with. Pray that the seed sown will find good soil in the heart of the hearer.
For two weeks the students have been involved in interschool sports competitions. These competitions are required by the government. They take a lot of time away from studies. Our teams have started winning some of these games and have to travel and sometimes stay overnight in other towns. The parents pay for their kids’ expenses but the teachers who accompany them have had to pay their own way. We have been looking for ways to help with the extra expenses to the teachers when they have to make these trips. Marion has started selling ice cream at the school. On Mondays the upper grades have classes until 4:00 PM. Marion and Rosario make goodies to sell on Monday afternoons. This provides funds to cover extra expenses at the school.
Marion and Rosario with the Monday goodies. I have the responsibility for quality control of the goodies. I know its a nasty job but someone has to do it. So far the quality has been excellent and the products are rated "yummy".